maintain freshness 意味

  • 新鮮{しんせん}さを保つ


  1. therefore people usually purchase it in comparatively small amounts to maintain freshness .


        freshness:     freshness n. 新鮮, 涼味. 【動詞+】 I rose early to catch the freshness of the morning. 早朝のすがすがしさを味わおうと早起きした His complexion has a rosy freshness. 彼の顔色はいきいきとバラ色に輝いている His style has great fr
        (degree of) freshness:    (degree of) freshness 鮮度 せんど
        air of freshness:    新鮮{しんせん}な雰囲気{ふんいき}
        breezy freshness:    すがすがしいさわやかさ
        dewy freshness:    露の降りたすがすがしさ
        freshness date:    (食品{しょくひん}の)賞味期限{しょうみ きげん}
        freshness of vision:    視点{してん}の新しさ
        have freshness:    (詩に)味がある
        lacking in freshness:    《be ~》清新{せいしん}さを欠く
        lose freshness:    鮮度が落ちる
        preserve freshness:    新鮮{しんせん}さを保つ、鮮度{せんど}を保持{ほじ}する、鮮度落ちを防ぐ、鮮度{せんど}を失わないように保存{ほぞん}する
        retain freshness:    新鮮{しんせん}なままである、新鮮{しんせん}さを失っていない
        maintain:     maintain v. 固守する, 主張する; 維持する, 整備する. 【副詞1】 He has always maintained that he is a scholar rather than an artist. 自分は芸術家よりむしろ学者だといつも言い張ってきた The price has been consistently maintained. その価
        maintain at:    ~に保つ
        to maintain:    to maintain 養う やしなう 保つ たもつ


  1. "maintain foreign market access for" 意味
  2. "maintain foreign policy consistency" 意味
  3. "maintain forward-looking development with a view to" 意味
  4. "maintain frequent contact with" 意味
  5. "maintain frequent high-level dialogue" 意味
  6. "maintain friendly relations" 意味
  7. "maintain friendly relations with" 意味
  8. "maintain friendly ties with" 意味
  9. "maintain friendships with other countries" 意味
  10. "maintain frequent contact with" 意味
  11. "maintain frequent high-level dialogue" 意味
  12. "maintain friendly relations" 意味
  13. "maintain friendly relations with" 意味

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